Council / Conseil
1 June 2011 / le 1 juin 2011
Submitted by/Soumis par : Marian Simulik, City Treasurer/Trésorière
Person/Personne ressource : Mona Monkman, Deputy City Treasurer – Corporate
Finance/ Trésorière municipal adjointe – Finances municipales
Department/ Service des finances
ext./poste 41723,
Ref N°: ACS2011-CMR-FIN-0034 |
That City Council:
Que le
1. Autorise le maire et la trésorière
municipale à ratifier une entente avec le gouvernement provincial concernant la
part de la Ville d’Ottawa de la taxe provinciale sur l’essence, conformément
aux modalités énoncées dans le document 1.
Qu’un règlement municipal soit adopté tel que
requis par la Province afin d’autoriser le maire et la trésorière à exécuter
une lettre d’entente chaque année.
In 2004, the Province of Ontario announced that it would be transferring a portion of the gas tax to municipalities for public transit. The revenue sharing has been phased in starting at one-cent ($0.01) per litre in October 2004, increasing to one and a half cents ($0.015) per litre in October 2005 and two cents ($0.02) per litre in October 2006 where it currently remains. In order to receive this funding, municipal councils are required to authorize the signing of an agreement and by-law.
The City is eligible to receive a provincial gas tax allocation of $32,564,077 for the period, October 1, 2010 to September 30, 2011. Payments will be made on a quarterly basis beginning with the first payment of $24,423,058 payable on receipt of the signed agreement and the authorizing by-law. The allocation formula established by the Province is based on 70% transit ridership and 30% municipal population. Both ridership and population figures are updated and revised annually to determine the amounts provided to each municipality.
A copy of the Letter of Agreement is provided as Document 1 and the authorizing by-law is attached as Document 2. The agreement requires that all funds received under this program be used in accordance with the guidelines and requirements as set out in Document 3 which is on file with the City Clerk.
Generally, provincial gas tax funds may be spent on:
· Public transportation capital expenditures that promote increased transit ridership, and are above a municipality’s baseline spending;
· Public transportation operating expenditures that are above a municipality’s baseline spending;
· Capital expenditures for the replacement of any transportation vehicles, and are above a municipality’s baseline spending;
· Capital expenditures that provide improvements to transit security and passenger safety and are above a municipality’s baseline spending; and
· Major refurbishment on any fully accessible, or to be made fully accessible, public transportation vehicle.
There are no rural implications.
The purpose of this report is administrative in nature and therefore no public consultation is required. All Departments reporting to Committee were consulted in the preparation of this report.
There are no legal impediments to implementing the recommendations of this report.
There are no risk implications.
The 2011 budget had assumed the receipt $35.240 million of provincial gas tax funds which is $2.676 million less than the announcement. The province allocates 70% of the gas tax funds to municipalities based on ridership while the remaining 30% is allocated based on population. The decline in the funding allocated to Ottawa is reflective of the lower 2009 ridership numbers due to the transit strike. It is anticipated that the 2011 / 12 allocation will increase as it will be based on 2010 ridership levels.
The reduced level of funding will result in a temporary over commitment of gas tax funds against approved capital projects. On a cash basis there are sufficient funds to finance the projected capital expenditures.
There are no technology implications with this report.
There are no impacts on the City’s Strategic Plan.
Document 1 - Letter of Agreement
Document 2 – Authorizing By-law
Document 3 – 2010/2011 Guidelines and Requirements (on file with the City Clerk)
Signed agreements and authorizing by-law will be forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation.
BY-LAW 2011-
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to authorize the entering into of an agreement with the Province of Ontario through the Minister of Transportation relating to funding provided by the Province of Ontario to the City under the Dedicated Gas Tax Funds for Public Transportation Program.
WHEREAS the Province has announced a Dedicated Gas Tax Funds for Public Transportation Program to assist municipalities in expanding and renewing their public transit system;
AND WHEREAS the Province has indicated that as a condition precedent for the participation in this Program, municipalities must enter into an agreement through the Minister of Transportation;
THEREFORE the Council of the City of Ottawa enacts as follows:
1. The Mayor and Treasurer are hereby authorized to execute Letters of Agreement on an annual basis between the Province of Ontario represented by the Minister of Transportation for the Province of Ontario and the City of Ottawa related to funding provided by the Province of Ontario to the City under the Dedicated Gas Tax Funds for Public Transportation Program in accordance with the Guidelines and Requirements issued by the Province of Ontario.
ENACTED AND PASSED this 8th day of June, 2011.
BY-LAW NO. 2011 -
A by-law of the City of Ottawa to authorize the entering into of an agreement with the Province of Ontario through the Minister of Transportation relating to funding provided by the Province of Ontario to the City under the Dedicated Gas Tax Funds for Public Transportation Program.
Enacted by City Council at its
meeting of
June 8, 2011
AMP:mm G04-01-GAS
City Council – June 8, 2011
Treasurer’s Report